Top "Angular2-pipe" questions

An Angular 2 pipe takes in data as input and transforms it to a desired output.

How do I call an Angular 2 pipe with multiple arguments?

I know I can call a pipe like this: {{ myData | date:'fullDate' }} Here the date pipe takes only one argument. …

javascript angular angular2-pipe
The pipe ' ' could not be found angular2 custom pipe

I can't seem to fix this error. I have a search bar and an ngFor. I am trying to filter …

angular angular2-forms angular2-pipe
Angular2: custom pipe could not be found

The built-in pipe is work,but all custom pipes that i wanna use are the same error: the pipe 'actStatusPipe' …

angular angular2-pipe
Split string based on spaces and read that in angular2

I am creating a pipe in angular2 where I want to split the string on white spaces and later on …

javascript angular2-pipe
What is an impure pipe in Angular?

@Pipe({name:'myPipe', pure: false}) I am unable to understand impure pipes. What's the difference between pure and impure pipes? …

angular angular-pipe angular2-pipe
Angular 2 Pipe under condition

Is it possible in Angular 2 to apply a pipe under condition? I would like to do something like: {{ variable.text | (…

angular conditional-statements angular-pipe angular2-pipe
How to mock Pipe when testing Component

Currently I am overriding providers to use mocked services like this: beforeEach(inject([TestComponentBuilder], (tcb: TestComponentBuilder) => { tcb.overrideProviders(AddFieldToObjectDropdownComponent, [ …

unit-testing angular angular2-testing angular2-pipe
Get length of array in ngFor after pipes transformation

I have the following template: <div *ngFor="let item of myArray | customPipe1 | customPipe2; let l = length"> Here is …

angular angular2-pipe
Decimal Pipe in Angular 2 - Commas Only, No Decimal Places

I currently use this pipe {{ product.productPrice | number:'.2-2' }} And result is 1,000,000.00 but I want to remove the .00 …

angular numbers decimal angular2-pipe
Angular 2 ngFor - reverse order of output using the index

Trying to learn something about filtering and ordering in Angular 2. I can't seem to find any decent resources and I'm …

javascript angular angular2-pipe