Top "Listbox" questions

A graphical user interface element that allows the user to select one or more items from a list.

Group panel of WPF ListBox

I have a listbox that is grouping the items with a GroupStyle. I would like add a control at the …

wpf listbox groupstyle itemspaneltemplate
Double buffered ListBox

I have a CheckedListBox (WinForms) control (which inherits from ListBox; googling shows that the problem is with ListBox) that is …

c# .net winforms listbox doublebuffered
"List index out of bounds" on TListBox

I have a TListBox on a form, and items are added with listbox1.ItemIndex := listbox1.Items.AddObject('msg', TObject(grp)); …

delphi exception listbox delphi-7 ownerdrawn
How can i check if FormCollection["key"] exists

I'm using ASP.NET MVC 3 and I post a form in my view, containing a @Html.ListBoxFor When I receive … listbox formcollection
Listbox not updating when items added or removed from ObservableCollection

I have a "Hello World" type application. A listbox.ItemsSource = Players. Players is an ObservableCollection of Player that implements INotifyPropertyChanged. …

wpf windows-phone-7 listbox itemssource
Bind textbox list inside listbox in wpf

I have to make listbox with textbox in it... and it has to be dynamic. I have observable collection in …

wpf data-binding textbox listbox dynamic-list
WPF XAML WrapPanel ListBox items in a row

I'm forced to ask for help, while I'm not able to figure it out by myself. I'm working on WPF-XAML …

wpf xaml listbox styling wrappanel
Configure ListBox in WPF so that I will be possible to select multiple items without holding CTRL key

I have a Listbox that allows user to select multiple items. Normally user can do that by holding CTRL key …

c# wpf listbox listboxitem
Getting selected ListBox values on button Click | ZK

I am very new to ZK framework and trying to customize few things and have struck at one point which …

listbox zk zul
get clicked button content from button styled listbox binded to xml

Hi I have a listbox binded to a xml file, and each item I gave them a button data template …

wpf button listbox mouseclick-event