Top "Doublebuffered" questions

A computer-graphics technique for updating a dynamic image that greatly reduces the visual artifacts, especially flicker, caused by the screen pixel being changed.

How do I double buffer a Panel?

I have a panel that has a roulette wheel on it, and I need to double buffer the panel, so …

c# winforms doublebuffered
Winforms: SuspendLayout/ResumeLayout is not enough?

I have a library of a few "custom controls". Essentially we have our own buttons, rounder corner panels, and a …

c# winforms performance gdi+ doublebuffered
How do you double buffer in java for a game?

So in the game I'm working on, I have a marble follow the mouse, but when it does this the …

java graphics doublebuffered
Java: how to do double-buffering in Swing?

EDIT TWO To prevent snarky comments and one-line answers missing the point: IFF it is as simple as calling setDoubleBuffered(…

java swing doublebuffered
How do I enable double-buffering of a control using C# (Windows forms)?

How do I enable double-buffering of a control using C# (Windows forms)? I have a panel control which I am …

c# .net winforms doublebuffered ownerdrawn
Winforms Double Buffering

I added this to my form's constructor code: this.SetStyle(ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint | ControlStyles.UserPaint | ControlStyles.DoubleBuffer, true); But it still …

c# winforms doublebuffered
Double buffering in Java on Android with canvas and surfaceview

How does one go about doing this? Could somebody give me an outline? From what I've found online, it seems …

java android canvas doublebuffered
Java Panel Double Buffering

wondered if anyone could point me in the right directon, i have developed a pong game and it needs double …

java swing awt doublebuffered
Why is DoubleBuffered disabled by default?

After creating a new form, I usually perform this ritual: Change the name into something meaningful; Type a Caption; Change …

delphi delphi-2009 doublebuffered
Qt & double buffering - are there any neat tricks to capture pixels or manipulate the back buffer?

I'm migrating an application to Qt from MFC. The MFC app would use GDI calls to construct the window (a …

qt mfc qt4 doublebuffered