Top "Ownerdrawn" questions

This allows the user to custom draw controls at run time in the Win32 Api.

Winforms - How do I create a custom windows border and close/minimise buttons?

I would like to be able to create a black custom window (with border and controls) like that shipped as …

c# windows winforms ownerdrawn
TreeView Remove CheckBox by some Nodes

I want remove CheckBoxes where the Node.Type is 5 or 6. I use this code: private void TvOne_DrawNode(object sender, …

c# winforms checkbox treeview ownerdrawn
How do I enable double-buffering of a control using C# (Windows forms)?

How do I enable double-buffering of a control using C# (Windows forms)? I have a panel control which I am …

c# .net winforms doublebuffered ownerdrawn
How do I draw the selected list-box item in a different color?

Is is possible to change the item selection focus color and text color in a TListBox? When themes are not …

delphi listbox ownerdrawn
C#: TreeView owner drawing with ownerdrawtext and the weird black highlighting when clicking on a node

I set the DrawMode to OwnerDrawText and tacked on to the DrawNode event, added my code to draw the text …

c# treeview ownerdrawn
Change size of ToolStripMenuItem

I'm custom drawing a menu item in a MenuStrip. The problem I'm having is that the menu item insists on …

winforms menustrip ownerdrawn
colour a stringgrid column depending on columnname text

I am doing this : procedure TForm1.BitBtn1Click(Sender: TObject); var dtStart: TDateTime; I: Integer; begin dtStart := DateTimePicker1.Date; for …

delphi-7 delphi-xe2 delphi-xe tstringgrid ownerdrawn
Alphablend and TransparentBlt

This question is related to my earlier question on SO. I want to combine two layers with alpha applied only …

delphi canvas gdi alphablending ownerdrawn
MFC VC++ Custom Checkbox Image

How do I get a 3-state checkbox to use a different bitmap for the Indeterminate state? I want to change …

c++ visual-studio-2010 checkbox mfc ownerdrawn
Trouble with TreeView.DrawNode - OwnerDrawText

I have an app that is connected to a remote server and polling data when needed. It has a TreeView …

c# winforms treeview ownerdrawn