A graphical user interface element that allows the user to select one or more items from a list.
I want to customize the following Listbox-display property of border with CornerRadius=5..can anyone help me to achieve it without …
wpf xaml listbox border cornerradiusI'm quite new to the WPF world and I'm having some problems with templating items in an ItemsControl. What I …
wpf listbox itemscontrol itemtemplateI created a ListBox that has a DataTemplate as Itemtemplate. However, is there an easy way to access the generated …
wpf listbox datatemplate selecteditem uielementI'm trying to program two buttons to imitate the up/down arrow key behavior, meaning that when I press the …
c# listbox selectedindexI am new to WPF so please accept my apologies if my question is stupid. I am creating a food …
c# wpf binding listbox custom-objectAfter selecting ListBox item programmatically it is needed to press down\up key two times to move the selection. Any …
wpf listview select listbox listboxitemI have two ListBoxes. First ListBox items are list of "Products". and second ListBox items are list of "Item in …
c# listbox multiple-selectI have two usercontrols, the first with a listbox that is bound to a list of Customers that displays some …
wpf data-binding user-controls listbox selecteditemI have two items with the same DisplayMember, but a different ValueMember and want to select one of the two …
c# winforms listbox valuememberI have listbox control which has list of colors. Here is code and Image: <ListBox Name="FillSelections" VerticalContentAlignment="Stretch" …
wpf listbox itemtemplate