Top "Linear-regression" questions

for issues related to linear regression modelling approach

Seaborn: annotate the linear regression equation

I tried fitting an OLS for Boston data set. My graph looks like below. How to annotate the linear regression …

python python-3.x matplotlib linear-regression seaborn
How to do linear regression, taking errorbars into account?

I am doing a computer simulation for some physical system of finite size, and after this I am doing extrapolation …

python numpy linear-regression least-squares extrapolation
lm function in R does not give coefficients for all factor levels in categorical data

I was trying out linear regression with R using categorical attributes and observe that I don't get a coefficient value …

r linear-regression lm
Pandas DataFrame - 'cannot astype a datetimelike from [datetime64[ns]] to [float64]' when using ols/linear regression

I have a DataFrame as follows: Ticker Date Close 0 ADBE 2016-02-16 78.88 1 ADBE 2016-02-17 81.85 2 ADBE 2016-02-18 80.53 3 ADBE 2016-02…

python pandas dataframe time-series linear-regression
Weighted linear regression in R

I would like to do a linear regression with a weighting factor for an analytical chemistry calibration curve. The x …

r regression linear-regression weighting
How to get the confidence intervals for LOWESS fit using R?

I didn't find any satisfactory answer to the confidence intervals (CIs) for LOWESS regression line of the 'stats' package of …

r linear-regression
Predict y value for a given x in R

I have a linear model: mod=lm(weight~age, data=f2) I would like to input an age value and …

r linear-regression predict
Python pandas linear regression groupby

I am trying to use a linear regression on a group by pandas python dataframe: This is the dataframe df: …

python pandas dataframe group-by linear-regression
What is target in Python's sklearn coef_ output?

When I do ridge regression using sklearn in Python, the coef_ output gives me a 2D array. According to the …

python scikit-learn regression linear-regression regularized
What is the BigO of linear regression?

How large a system is it reasonable to attempt to do a linear regression on? Specifically: I have a system …

big-o linear-regression blas gsl