for issues related to linear regression modelling approach
I'm trying to build a simple regression line with pandas in spyder. After executing the following code, I got this …
pandas linear-regression spyder sklearn-pandasLet's say that I have a numeric data matrix with columns w, x, y, z and I also want to …
r matrix regression linear-regressionI am having a problem setting up a panel data model. Here is some sample data: library(plm) id <…
r regression linear-regression plm> age <- c(23,19,25,10,9,12,11,8) > steroid <- c(27.1,22.1,21.9,10.7,7.4,18.8,14.7,5.7) > sample <- data.frame(age,steroid) > fit2 &…
r linear-regression prediction lmI'm trying out scikit-learn LinearRegression model on a simple dataset (comes from Andrew NG coursera course, I doesn't really matter, …
machine-learning scikit-learn linear-regressionI am doing linear regression with multiple variables/features. I try to get thetas (coefficients) by using normal equation method (…
python numpy machine-learning linear-algebra linear-regressionI am trying to predict call volume for a call center based on various other factors. I have a fairly …
python scikit-learn linear-regression predictI have created a script like the one below to do something I called as "weighted" regression: library(plyr) set.…
r linear-regression weightedI am using lm in r for linear regression. I would like to plot and report the x intercept. I …
r linear-regression interceptI got good use out of pandas' MovingOLS class (source here) within the deprecated stats/ols module. Unfortunately, it was …
python pandas numpy linear-regression statsmodels