Top "Linear-regression" questions

for issues related to linear regression modelling approach

how to create DataFrame from multiple arrays in Spark Scala?

val tvalues: Array[Double] = Array(1.866393526974307, 2.864048126935307, 4.032486069215076, 7.876169953355888, 4.875333799256043, 14.316322626848278) val pvalues: Array[Double] = Array(0.064020056478447, 0.004808399479386827, 8.914865448939047E-5, 7.489564524121306E-13, 2.8363794106756046E-6, 0.0) I have two Arrays as above, i …

arrays scala linear-regression spark-dataframe
Extract Regression P Value in R

I am performing multiple regressions on different columns in a query file. I've been tasked with extracting certain results from …

r linear-regression p-value
Python scikit learn Linear Model Parameter Standard Error

I am working with sklearn and specifically the linear_model module. After fitting a simple linear as in import pandas …

python scikit-learn linear-regression variance
How to compute AIC for linear regression model in Python?

I want to compute AIC for linear models to compare their complexity. I did it as follows: regr = linear_model.…

python linear-regression
Why is numpy.linalg.pinv() preferred over numpy.linalg.inv() for creating inverse of a matrix in linear regression

If we want to search for the optimal parameters theta for a linear regression model by using the normal equation …

python numpy matrix linear-algebra linear-regression
In the LinearRegression method in sklearn, what exactly is the fit_intercept parameter doing?

In the sklearn.linear_model.LinearRegression method, there is a parameter that is fit_intercept = TRUE or fit_intercept = FALSE. …

python scikit-learn linear-regression
How does the subset argument work in the lm() function?

I have been trying to figure out how the subset argument in R's lm() function works. Especially the follwoing code …

r linear-regression lm
Obtain residual standard errors of an "mlm" object returned by `lm()`

I've used lm() to fit multiple regression models, for multiple (~1 million) response variables in R. Eg. allModels <- lm(…

r regression linear-regression lm mlm
Gradient descent and normal equation method for solving linear regression gives different solutions

I'm working on machine learning problem and want to use linear regression as learning algorithm. I have implemented 2 different methods …

matlab machine-learning linear-regression gradient-descent
Is linear regression the same thing as ordinary least squares in SPSS?

I want to use a linear regression model, but I want to use ordinary least squares, which I think it …

statistics linear-regression spss least-squares