Top "Laravel-4" questions

Laravel 4.2 is the previous version of the open-source PHP web development MVC framework created by Taylor Otwell.

Laravel - Imagick not installed

using Laravel and trying to work on image upload using Imagine. The issue is that I get the error stating: …

php laravel laravel-4 imagick php-imagine
Laravel Pagination with eloquent Queries

I am trying to paginate my template which has a table on it. This is my function in the controller …

laravel-4 eloquent blade laravel-paginate
Laravel: how to add where clause using query builder?

I have this query, made using Laravel query builder: $rows = DB::table('elements')->where('type', 1); That corresponds to: "…

php mysql sql laravel-4 query-builder
How to use php artisan migrate command of Laravel4 in Heroku?

I am suing Heroku dev plan for creating database using PostgreSQL. Database is created in Heroku. After running heroku pg:…

heroku laravel-4 heroku-toolbelt heroku-postgres
Redirect www to non-www in Laravel with URL parameters

How can I redirect URL from to ? And also if the URL has other parameter …

php .htaccess redirect laravel-4 laravel-routing
Left join to get a single row in Laravel

I have been unsuccessfully trying to leftjoin and get the required data Here is my code: $album = Albums::->…

php sql laravel-4 eloquent query-builder
Laravel Blade using if condition inside foreach

here is my code .. @foreach (Session::get('show_my_data') as $key1 => $value1) <div class="sb_li"> &…

php laravel laravel-4 laravel-3 blade
Where NOT in pivot table

In Laravel we can setup relationships like so: class User { public function items() { return $this->belongsToMany('Item'); } } Allowing us …

laravel laravel-4 pivot-table eloquent
GitHub Client on OS X Commit Fail ("Failed to add file ...)

I am trying to commit changes I have made to my code (as usual) from my GitHub client on my …

git github laravel laravel-4 github-for-mac
Laravel 4 Artisan error when trying to install a bundle

I am simply trying to install a laravel bundle via the Artisan CLI using the latest Laravel 4 beta from github. …

php laravel laravel-4 bundle