Laravel 4.2 is the previous version of the open-source PHP web development MVC framework created by Taylor Otwell.
Are there any plugins available to get Laravel auto completion and Laravel Blade template beautification in Sublime Text 3? I have …
laravel laravel-4 sublimetext3 blade autosuggestIs it possible to do the following in Laravel 4? ... DB::table('myTable') ->select(DB::raw($columnNames)) ->…
laravel laravel-4 query-builderMy application needs a pre registered data set to work. So i need to insert them in the database when …
php database laravel laravel-4 database-migrationI'm trying to get an Eloquent query result for DB::raw("DATE_FORMAT(created_at, '%m-%d-%Y %r') …
php mysql laravel-4 php-carbonI have code like this : Im stuck trying to create a pager with vuejs, so I was wonder if anyone …
javascript jquery laravel-4 pagination vue.jsWhen you create a new column in a table you can use the ->after('column name') to dictate …
laravel-4 eloquent fluentMy system config is Ubuntu 14.04 + XAMPP + Laravel 4 installed mysql driver is configured on /opt/lampp/htdocs/larva/app/config/database.…
laravel laravel-4 laravel-artisan artisan-migrateI have an Org model and a Tag model. I want to associate tags with organizations. My database tables and …
laravel-4 eloquent polymorphic-associations