Top "Laravel-4" questions

Laravel 4.2 is the previous version of the open-source PHP web development MVC framework created by Taylor Otwell.

How to: implement sentry 2 permissions with Laravel 4?

I'm trying to use cartalyst sentry 2 in my site being built with Laravel 4. Basically I don't understand how to implement …

laravel laravel-4 cartalyst-sentry
Method not allowed when PUT used over AJAX for Laravel resource

I've got this resource in routes.php: Route::resource('items', 'ItemsController', ['before' => 'admin_access']); Trying to reach ItemsContoller@update …

jquery ajax laravel laravel-4 laravel-routing
How the laravel Mail::failures() function works?

I've been trying to get the list of recipients who did not get email using laravel Mail::send() function. I …

php email laravel laravel-4 swiftmailer
Laravel merge relationships

Is there a way to merge 2 relationships in laravel? this is the way it's setup now, but Is there a …

php laravel-4 eloquent relationships
Laravel User permission to access certain pages?

I have created a slug pages as followed : // Create pages table for dynamic pages id | slug | title | page_template 0 about …

php laravel laravel-4 user-permissions
how to enable error reporting in laravel 4.2 for debugging

I just have installed new laravel 4.2 using composer. I make syntax mistake deliberately on my router.php to see if …

php error-handling laravel-4 error-reporting
How to GROUP and SUM a pivot table column in Eloquent relationship?

In Laravel 4; I have model Project and Part, they have a many-to-many relationship with a pivot table project_part. The …

laravel laravel-4 eloquent relationships
Laravel pagination not working with group by clause

It seems Laravel pagination does not working properly with group by clause. For example: $users = Subject::select(DB::raw('subjects.*, …

laravel laravel-4 laravel-pagination
How specifically does Laravel build and check a CSRF token?

I'm using Laravel's CSRF protection on my public site. However since Laravel uses a session to maintain this, I'm worried …

php laravel laravel-4 token csrf
Laravel 4 : Route to localhost/controller/action

I'm more or less new to Laravel 4. I've never used routes before but normally what I'm used to is url/…

laravel laravel-4 url-routing laravel-routing