Where NOT in pivot table

Rob picture Rob · Nov 20, 2013 · Viewed 19.8k times · Source

In Laravel we can setup relationships like so:

class User {
    public function items()
        return $this->belongsToMany('Item');

Allowing us to to get all items in a pivot table for a user:


However what if I want to get the opposite of that. And get all items the user DOES NOT have yet. So NOT in the pivot table.

Is there a simple way to do this?


Wallace Maxters picture Wallace Maxters · Jan 2, 2015

Looking at the source code of the class Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder, we have two methods in Laravel that does this: whereDoesntHave (opposite of whereHas) and doesntHave (opposite of has)

// SELECT * FROM users WHERE ((SELECT count(*) FROM roles WHERE user.role_id = roles.id AND id = 1) < 1)  AND ...

    User::whereDoesntHave('Role', function ($query) use($id) {

this works correctly for me!

For simple "Where not exists relationship", use this:


Sorry, do not understand English. I used the google translator.