Top "Heroku-toolbelt" questions

Heroku command-line tooling for working with the Heroku platform, on MacOS, Windows and Debian/Ubuntu.

Setting the port for node.js server on Heroku

I launched a node.js server with the following line to set the port: app.set('port', process.env.PORT || 8080); …

node.js heroku express heroku-toolbelt
Deploying to Heroku using git on bitbucket

I want to host my source on bitbucket using git because I obviously get a free private repo and I …

git heroku github bitbucket heroku-toolbelt
Bundle command not found Windows x64

I just installed ruby with the Heroku Toolbelt, probem is that when I do bundle install it gives me this …

ruby bundle windows-7-x64 heroku-toolbelt
'git push heroku master' is still asking for authentication

I have executed: $ heroku login But when I try to push, I'm still asked for authentication: $ git push heroku master …

git authentication heroku heroku-toolbelt
What's the correct way to rename a heroku app?

Doesn't seem to be a way to do it from the command line, and when I do this from the …

heroku heroku-toolbelt
Heroku not recognized as an internal or external command (Windows)

Following this heroku tutorial to launch an app on heroku. But when I use the command heroku create, it says …

python ruby-on-rails heroku cloud heroku-toolbelt
Heroku: Cannot run more than 1 Free size dynos

I was trying to run heroku run rake db:migrate And was getting the error Cannot run more than 1 Free …

ruby-on-rails heroku heroku-toolbelt
Installing Heroku Toolbelt on Windows 10

I've been having some issues installing the Heroku toolbelt on Windows 10, 64-bit. It's the first time I install Heroku. I …

bash powershell heroku heroku-toolbelt
Could not generate ssh public key for heroku in Windows 7

While I am trying heroku login through cmd in my machine, it says Could not find existing public key Would …

heroku ssh public-key heroku-toolbelt
How to use php artisan migrate command of Laravel4 in Heroku?

I am suing Heroku dev plan for creating database using PostgreSQL. Database is created in Heroku. After running heroku pg:…

heroku laravel-4 heroku-toolbelt heroku-postgres