Top "Keypress" questions

Occurs when a key is pressed while the control has focus.

Optimised search using Ajax and keypress

I have the following code that I want to use to search a database as a user is typing into …

jquery ajax search keypress
shell script respond to keypress

I have a shell script that essentially says something like while true; do read -r input if ["$input" = "a"]; then …

bash shell input keypress
I can't understand how to use SendMessage or PostMessage calls

I need to simulate a keypress in a third party application. Let's say I have a C# application that needs …

c# keypress handler sendmessage postmessage
jQuery .keypress & .keydown .which

Ok so what is the difference in .keypress and .keydown/.keyup? At present I am using .keydown which returns a .…

javascript jquery keyboard keypress keydown
Simulating Key Press event using Python for Linux

I am writing a script to automate running a particular model. When the model fails, it waits for a user …

python linux key keypress simulate
Use a robot to type characters in Java

I know how to have Robot simulate a Y keypress like so: Robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_Y); But how do …

java keypress awtrobot
How do I detect keyPress while not focused?

I am trying to detect the Print Screen button press while the form is not the current active application. How …

c# forms keypress
Capture a keyboard keypress in the background

I have a application that runs in the background. I have to generate some event whenever a user press F12 …

c# winforms keypress
How to make a submit button in WPF?

When you press Enter anywhere in a HTML form it triggers its action, that is equivalent of pressing the submit …

wpf submit keypress
How do I get the event.keyCode of the delete key?

$('body').keypress(function(event){ if(event.keyCode == 46){console.log('Delete Key Pressed')}; //does not work if(event.keyCode == 32){console.log(…

events keypress keycode