Top "Keypress" questions

Occurs when a key is pressed while the control has focus.

Android simulate key press

How can I programmatically simulate a key press on a Droid? I would like to mimic a manual key press (…

java android key keypress simulate
jQuery: how to filter out non-character keys on keypress event?

I tried searching but unsure of what terms to look for. I'm using jQuery and would like to use the …

javascript jquery keypress
How do I simulate a Tab key press when Return is pressed in a WPF application?

In a WPF application, i have a window that has a lot of fields. When the user uses the TAB …

c# wpf keypress
How to prevent going to next row after editing a DataGridViewTextBoxColumn and pressing EnterKey?

I'm working on a program with DataGridViews. In one DatagridView there is a DataGridViewTextBoxColumn, which is enabled to be edited …

c# datagridview focus keypress datagridviewtextboxcell
Press Enter Key in Selenium RC with C#

How to press Enter using Selenium RC using C#? I am working with a SearchBox using Selenium. In which I …

c# selenium selenium-rc keypress enter
Jquery: filter input on keypress

I have a text field, which will accept only the following characters: Allowed characters: [a-z 0-9 + # - .] This is the …

javascript jquery regex keypress keyup
how to capture the '#' character on different locale keyboards in WPF/C#?

My WPF application handles keyboard presses and specifically the # and * character as it is a VoIP phone. I have a …

c# wpf keypress
C++ cin keypress event

I believe this is a very simple question, but I can't find a simple answer to it. I have an …

c++ keypress infinite-loop break onkeypress
How can I determine if the Backspace has been pressed in the KeyPress event?

This: ...indicates that I should have access to …

c# winforms keypress keycode
What's the theory behind jQuery keypress, keydown, keyup black magic (on Macs)?

I am confused about the various behaviors of keypress, keydown, and keyup. It seems that I have missed an important …

jquery macos keypress keydown keyup