Top "Keypress" questions

Occurs when a key is pressed while the control has focus.

keypress event not working in IE and Chrome but working in FF

Any idea why this might happen? I would usually think that Chrome would be more forgiving with the codes? $(document).…

jquery internet-explorer firefox google-chrome keypress
JavaScript Keycode 46 is DEL Function key or (.) period sign?

Im writing some logic in JavaScript using jquery, where i must check the input content against a REGEX pattern ex: "^[…

javascript jquery keyboard keypress
Simulate Python keypresses for controlling a game

I'm trying to control a game (my two test games are Half Life 2 and Minecraft) using my Kinect and Python. …

python python-2.7 keypress simulate
Unable to simulate keypress event in Angular 2 unit test (Jasmine)

I am using a directive to get the data from input used as a filter text. here is my hostlistener …

unit-testing angular input jasmine keypress
How to detect pressed keys on the click of AngularJS

I'm using angularjs on a web application that I need to figure out how can I detect is keys like …

javascript angularjs dom-events keypress
jQuery: trigger event on tab key

I would like to call a function when the tab key is pressed within any field with the name="notes". …

javascript jquery tabs keypress keydown
Invoke Escape key press event by jquery

I want to make my question clear. Please dont confuse it with determining the key press. I dont want the …

jquery keypress
press any key to continue in nodejs

I need a function that will pause the execution of the script until a key is pressed. I've tried: var …

javascript node.js keypress
Robot Framework using Python, key press without selecting any button or element in the page

I am automating one application using Robot Framework using Python. In a certain situation I need to press Enter without …

python-2.7 keypress robotframework
Press TAB and then ENTER key in Selenium WebDriver with Ruby

I am doing automated testing using Selenium WebDriver with Ruby. I need to click a button. I cannot get the …

ruby tabs selenium-webdriver keypress enter