Top "Keypress" questions

Occurs when a key is pressed while the control has focus.

jQuery Keypress Arrow Keys

I'm attempting to capture arrow key presses in jQuery, but no events are being triggered. $(function(){ $('html').keypress(function(e){ …

javascript jquery keypress
keypress, ctrl+c (or some combo like that)

I'm trying to create shortcuts on the website I'm making. I know I can do it this way: if(e.…

jquery keypress keydown jquery-events
onKeyDown event not working on divs in React

I want to use a keyDown event on a div in React. I do: componentWillMount() { document.addEventListener("keydown", this.onKeyPressed.…

reactjs events keypress keydown
Python simulate keydown

After searching for several hours i´m wondering if its possible to simulate a keydown press on the keyboard. For …

python windows keypress keydown simulate
jquery - validate characters on keypress?

I have a form text field that I want to allow only numbers and letters in. (i.e., no #$!, etc...) …

jquery validation keypress
Stop keypress event

How to stop keypress event in keydown. I have a keydown handler in that I need to stop keypress event. …

javascript dom-events keypress
How can I accept the backspace key in the keypress event?

This is my code: private void txtAdd_KeyPress(object sender, KeyPressEventArgs e) { if (!(char.IsLetter(e.KeyChar)) && !(char.…

c# keypress
How to wait for a keypress in R?

I want to pause my R script until the user presses a key. How do I do this?

r keypress wait readline readkey
Make a specific column only accept numeric value in datagridview in Keypress event

I need to make datagridview that only accept the numeric value for specific column only in keypress event. Is there …

c# datagridview keypress
jQuery: Prevent enter key

I am trying to prevent the enter key from being put into a textarea, but it doesn't seem to work. $(…

javascript jquery html keypress forms