Top "Keypress" questions

Occurs when a key is pressed while the control has focus.

Triggering Ctrl S or Ctrl P via a button

Ok now I am aware that you can listen to keypresses (keydowns keyups etc...) but I would like to TRIGGER …

jquery triggers key keypress ctrl
jquery bind keyup to body in firefox

i m binding keyup function in jquery to body which works in every browser except firefox the code: - $('body').…

jquery bind keypress onkeyup
AngularJS submit on blur and blur on keypress

I want to submit some data to the server when a input field is blurred. The User should also be …

angularjs keypress blur
PictureBox throws "Parameter is not valid" ArgumentException upon tab keypress

I have a form where the user can first scan to a bitmap. When scan is done, and the bitmap … winforms bitmap keypress modi
Is it possible to override the keydown repeat delay, in JavaScript?

The objective is manually set a held key's "repeat rate". For example, when in a text box and pressing and …

javascript jquery keypress keydown repeat
How to trap double key press in javascript?

I would like to be able to trap the double key press (for the Char T for example) in order …

javascript keypress
jquery keypress event object keyCode for firefox problem?

jQuery keypress event for FireFox gives encrypted keyCode property for event object after String.fromCharCode(e.keyCode) conversion but works …

javascript jquery events keypress keycode
Jquery .keypress on a dynamically added input

I am currently adding an input via a .click event and then wanting to listen to any keypress that occurs …

jquery keypress textinput dynamic-forms
How do I emulate a keypress inside a Vim function?

I'll start with code function BigScrollUp() let count = 20 while count > 0 "Press" CTRL-Y <-- how do I emulate this? …

function vim keypress emulation
How to mute the microphone c#

I wanted to know, what would the coding be if I wanted to toggle mute/unmute of my microphone. I …

c# keypress microphone mute