Top "Jstree" questions

jsTree is a JavaScript-based, cross-browser tree component packaged as a jQuery plugin.

How to change icon in jstree?

I have the following code: $('.wpFolders.co_files').bind('select_node.jstree', function (event, data) { getFileById(data.args[0].hash.…

javascript jstree
Configuring jstree right-click contextmenu for different node types

I've seen an example somewhere online showing how to customise the appearance of jstree's right-click context menu (using contextmenu plugin). …

jquery contextmenu jstree
How do I get the id of the selected node in jsTree?

How can I get the id of the selected node in a jsTree? function createNewNode() { alert('test'); var tree = $.tree.…

javascript jquery jstree
How can I refresh the contents of a jsTree?

I have loaded a jsTree with an AJAX call that returns JSON data. How can I refresh the tree so …

jquery jstree
jstree select node

Greetings, I am using jsTree to generatate my hierarchical data. JsTree is generated as follows: $(function() { $("#industries").tree({ data: { type: "…

jquery jstree
How to select a specific node programmatically?

I have a jstree. I want to select the node which is bound to the object which has a location …

jsTree Open a branch

I am using the JQuery plugin jsTree, I am able to expand the whole tree with …

javascript jquery treeview jstree
How do i open all nodes in jquery Jstree?

i'm using the following code: $("#treeview").jstree(); $("#treeview").jstree('open_all'); With the following html: <div id="treeview"> &…

javascript jquery jstree
jsTree - loading subnodes via ajax on demand

I'm trying to get a jsTree working with on demand loading of subnodes. My code is this: jQuery('#introspection_…

ajax jstree
Get the selected Node from a jstree

I am trying to get the selected Node from a jstree. This is the code in the View <div …

javascript jquery razor jstree