Top "Jstree" questions

jsTree is a JavaScript-based, cross-browser tree component packaged as a jQuery plugin.

jstree remove default elements from context menu

I have a problem with JsTree's contextmenu, how can I remove the default elements from the contextmenu like Create, Delete, …

javascript html jstree
Disable the whole jsTree

I'm using jsTree and have a form on the right of it based on the selected node that can be …

javascript jquery jstree
JsTree: changing the "open" icon for folders using the "types" plugin

It's easy to specify what the icon should be for a closed folder using the "types" plugin. But can the …

javascript jquery jstree
Disable Multiple Selection in JSTree is not working

I am using JSTree in my application with following code. this.CreateTreeView = function () { $('#jstree_demo_div').jstree({ 'core': { 'multiple': …

javascript jquery jstree
JsTree v3.0 drag and drop plugin. Reference target node upon dropping

I use drag and drop plugin of jsTree library (ver. 3.0) With the following code I can bind to the end …

javascript drag-and-drop jstree
jstree performance issues

I am using a jsTree with around 1500 nodes, nested to a max of 4 levels (most are only 1 level deep), and …

javascript jquery performance jstree
JsTree: How to sort jstree nodes with folders at the top

I use the plugin Jstree to draw a tree of folders ans files. I want to get the list of …

jquery sorting jstree directory alphabetical
jstree : Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'children' of undefined

In my server I am returning a JSON object in the format of jsTree : {"id":"value", "text":"value", "parent":"value"} …

javascript jquery ajax jstree jstree-search
wrapping leaf text in jstree

I am using jstree plugin to populate my tree based on xml file. Some nodes text are greater than the …

JSTree: Make node expand when single clicked instead of double click?

I can't figure this out for the life of me but I am trying to configure my JSTree to override …
