Top "Jstree" questions

jsTree is a JavaScript-based, cross-browser tree component packaged as a jQuery plugin.

jsTree and Context Menu: modify items

I'm using jsTree 3.0.0 and I need to modify the context in one of the following ways: Change label language for …

javascript jquery contextmenu jstree
get checked values for jsTree - submit with form post

I'm using the jsTree jQuery plugin with the checkbox theme. Does anyone know how to get the selected values with …

jquery jquery-plugins jstree
Populating a JSTree with JSON data obtained in AJAX

I'm trying to populate a JSTree with JSON data that I'm obtaining from a service (which is called using ajax). …

javascript jquery json web-services jstree
jsTree onSelect event

I've been trying to get the text of a node that is selected in a jsTree. I am able to …

javascript jstree
How to update jstree node values without reload

I have a jstree that I created with the following code: $('#mytree').jstree({"core": { "data" : value , "themes" : { "dots": false , "…

How can I tell if jsTree has fully loaded?

I am trying to write a function that opens specific nodes on a jsTree but I am having a problem …

javascript jstree
How to associate a data to a node in jstree?

$("#ifTree").jstree({ "plugins" : ["themes","html_data","ui","crrm"], "themes" : { "theme" : "apple", "dots" : true, "icons" : false } }); $("#createIf_c").click(function () { $("#ifTree").…

jquery jquery-plugins jstree
jstree move, drag and drop

I want to implement the move functionality for a node in jstree. Is it the move that needs to be …

jstree checkbox checked on load

I'm fighting with jQuery jsTree plugin checkbox. Ok, I have find out how to handle events on checking or unchecking …

jquery user-interface jquery-plugins jstree
how to get click event of row element of jstree?

Can you please tell me how how to get click event of row element of jstree ? I make a demo …

javascript jquery jstree