How do i open all nodes in jquery Jstree?

RTB picture RTB · Jun 13, 2012 · Viewed 56.7k times · Source

i'm using the following code:


With the following html:

<div id="treeview">
      <a href="#">rubentebogt</a>
          <a href="#" onclick="goTo('index.php?module=alarm&amp;pagina=dashboard&amp;id=6',false);">Beneden</a>
          <a href="#" onclick="goTo('index.php?module=alarm&amp;pagina=dashboard&amp;id=7',false);">Boven</a>

My problem is that all nodes stay closed, i can't get them to open with jstree('open_all');


rodneyrehm picture rodneyrehm · Jun 13, 2012

The jsTree documentation is "sub optimal". The docs don't clearly state that the initialization works asynchronously. There's core.loaded():

A dummy function, whose purpose is only to trigger the loaded event. This event is triggered once after the tree's root nodes are loaded, but before any nodes set in initially_open are opened.

This suggests an event loaded.jstree is fired after the tree is setup. You can hook into that event to open all your nodes:

var $treeview = $("#treeview");
  .on('loaded.jstree', function() {