Top "Jshint" questions

A community-driven tool to detect errors and potential problems in JavaScript code and to enforce coding conventions.

ES6 in JShint - .jshintrc has esversion, but still getting warning (using atom)

I am using atom, and I've tried several different jshint packages and they all give a warning which says "template …

javascript ecmascript-6 jshint atom-editor
JavaScript function order: why does it matter?

Original Question: JSHint complains when my JavaScript calls a function that is defined further down the page than the call …

javascript function jslint jshint requires "use strict". What does this mean? is giving the error: Line 36: var signin_found; Missing "use strict" statement.

javascript jshint
How to suppress "{variable} is better written in dot notation."

Is there an option to and/or how do I suppress errors like the following? 175,14:['tracker'] is better written in …

javascript syntax properties jshint
Gulp Error: Cannot find module 'jshint/src/cli'

So I've got a fresh install of El Capitan and I'm giving these task runners another go. I'm following sitepoint's …

javascript terminal gulp jshint
Why is JSHINT complaining that this is a strict violation?

I think this may be a duplicate of Strict Violation using this keyword and revealing module pattern I have this …

javascript jslint strict jshint
JS Hint - don't make functions within a loop

I can not get around JSHint's error message. Here is the loop I am using: for (i = 0; i < Collection.…

javascript jshint
Prevent JSHint warning that 'functionName is defined but never used'

I have just started using JSHint (through the Sublime-Linter package for Sublime Text 2). I would like to suppress its warnings …

javascript jquery jslint jshint
How to remove global "use strict" added by babel

I'm using function form of "use strict" and don't want global form which Babel adds after transpilation. The problem is …

javascript jshint babeljs use-strict
How to tell JSLint / JSHint what global variables are already defined

In my project we have some global variables that work as containers: MyProject.MyFreature.someFunction = function() { ... } So then I use …

javascript global-variables jslint jshint