Top "Jshint" questions

A community-driven tool to detect errors and potential problems in JavaScript code and to enforce coding conventions.

Where can I find a list of JSHint numeric error codes?

I'm using JSHint for Visual Studio. It's not uncommon for JSHint to issue a warning about an issue that I …

javascript visual-studio jslint jshint
How do you use JsHint ".jshintrc" file with Visual Studio 2013 Web Essentials extension?

I have installed the "Web Essentials" extension into Visual Studio 2013. I am now getting JSHint warnings appearing in my "Error …

.net visual-studio visual-studio-2013 jshint web-essentials
How to integrate syntax check in Ace Editor using custom mode?

I'm new to ace-editor and I have included custom mode to validate my code and every line should end up …

jshint ace-editor
Why does jshint complain about linebreak within expression?

When passing the following code to jshint, it considers the linebreak in the if-condition to be bad, saying "Bad line …

javascript jshint
JSHint: How do disable the check for unsafe characters for comments?

When using "unsafe characters" (e.g. umlauts) in comments I get the following error: This character may get silently deleted …

jslint jshint
JSHint: Turn off missing semicolon warning

How do I turn off missing semicolon warnings with JSHint in Sublime. I have tried multiple things on the internet …

sublimetext3 jshint sublimelinter
document is not defined with jshint

In this code: $scope.others=[some data...] $[]; $scope.smt = function(x){ for(var i = 0; i < $scope.others; …

jshint complains: 'Ember' is not defined

I have a standard Ember main.js file, which starts like this: this.App = Ember.Application.create({ LOG_TRANSITIONS: true, …

ember.js jshint
JSHint giving 'Read Only' error for reassignment of $

I'm using the node-jshint command line to lint all of my JS files. I'm doing a reassignment of the $ by: $ = …

javascript jshint
jshint ignore Use '!==' to compare with ''

How can I configure JSHint to ignore this error: Use '!==' to compare with ''. ? I want that this …

javascript jshint