Top "Jshint" questions

A community-driven tool to detect errors and potential problems in JavaScript code and to enforce coding conventions.

Disabling warning about "require" function in JSHint

I'm writing some code for Node.js and I'm currently using JSHint to check over my code. However, when I …

node.js require jshint
arrow function syntax (=>)' is only available in ES6 (use 'esversion: 6')

Currently I'm running my tests with protractor/grunt but I'm getting the follow error message: 'arrow function syntax (=>)' …

javascript gruntjs ecmascript-6 jshint grunt-contrib-jshint
Adobe Brackets disable jslint but allow jshint

My basic question: In the Adobe Brackets editor how do I use jshint while turning off or disabling jslint? My …

javascript jslint jshint adobe-brackets
How to set jshint/jsxhint "esnext" option in Atom

I am using Atom's linter, react, and linter-jshint/linter-jsxhint. In my JSX files, I keep getting the warning Warning: 'import' …

jshint atom-editor jsxhint
Suppress "mixed spaces and tabs" warning in JSHint / JSLint or alternative service?

JSHint and JSLint are awesome tools. However, the "mixed spaces and tabs" warning dominates the report. Is there a way …

javascript jslint jshint
Getting Facebook's react.js library JSX syntax to play nicely with jslint?

I am playing around with the Facebook's react.js library. I am trying to use their JSX syntax which describes …

javascript facebook jslint jshint reactjs
Why does JSHint argue against bitwise operators? How should I express this code?

I am using this bit of JavaScript to generate a UID: (original:) //If ID has not been defined then generate …

javascript jslint jshint
Gulp returns 0 when tasks fail

I'm using Gulp in my small project in order to run tests and lint my code. When any of those …

javascript gulp jshint
How to tell JSHint to ignore all undefined variables in one file?

In Karma tests, there are a lot of global variables and functions, which JSHint complains about (it is integrated into …

javascript jshint
Javascript ENUM pattern naming convention

I am working on a javascript project which requires use of javascript "Enums" meaning Objects like: var WinnerEnum = { Player1: 1, Player2: 2, …

javascript naming-conventions jshint