Top "Use-strict" questions

According to Mozilla Developer Network, ECMAScript 5's strict mode is a way to opt in to a restricted variant of JavaScript.

What does "use strict" do in JavaScript, and what is the reasoning behind it?

Recently, I ran some of my JavaScript code through Crockford's JSLint, and it gave the following error: Problem at line 1 …

javascript syntax jslint use-strict
How is the 'use strict' statement interpreted in Node.js?

I have started to explore the Node.js and wrote many demo web application, to understand the flow of Node.…

javascript node.js use-strict
AngularJS controllers and "use strict"

I recently started using JSHint and it is requiring me to use the function form of "use strict". Since then, …

angularjs jshint use-strict
How to remove global "use strict" added by babel

I'm using function form of "use strict" and don't want global form which Babel adds after transpilation. The problem is …

javascript jshint babeljs use-strict
How do you find out the caller function in JavaScript when use strict is enabled?

Is it possible to see the callee/caller of a function when use strict is enabled?

javascript use-strict
Why is "this" in an anonymous function undefined when using strict?

Why is this in an anonymous function undefined when using javascript in strict mode? I understand why this could make …

javascript anonymous-function use-strict
In Perl, how to share a variable between subroutines, with use strict?

If I don't use strict; the following code works fine and prints out "alice": assign_name(); print_name(); sub assign_…

perl use-strict
Assignment to read-only properties is not allowed in strict mode IE11

I have been told by IE11 that var self = this is a read-only variable... Yet I am not assigning anything …

javascript internet-explorer internet-explorer-11 use-strict
Is there a need for a "use strict" Python compiler?

There exist static analysis tools for Python, but compile time checks tend to be diametrically opposed to the run-time binding …

python perl compiler-construction static-analysis use-strict
Benefits of "Use Strict" in JS

What are the additional benefits of "use strict" other than preventing bad coding? For instance, does it allow the script …

javascript use-strict