Top "Jpql" questions

The Java Persistence Query Language (JPQL) is a platform-independent object-oriented query language defined as part of the Java Persistence API specification.

Unknown abstract schema type

Based on the answer from axtavt, this is almost certainly a naming problem between Notebean and NoteBean. Is there a …

java mysql database-design jpql toplink
Is this possible: JPA/Hibernate query with list property in result?

In hibernate I want to run this JPQL / HQL query: select new org.test.userDTO(,, u.…

hibernate jpa hql jpql jpa-2.0
Ordering a join fetched collection in JPA using JPQL/HQL

Given the below JPQL statement, how do I modify it so that the kittens in the resulting list are ordered …

java jpa hql jpql
How do I query for only superclass entities in a jpql query?

I have the following entities: @Entity @Inheritance(strategy=InheritanceType.SINGLE_TABLE) @DiscriminatorColumn(name="orderType", discriminatorType=DiscriminatorType.STRING) @DiscriminatorValue(value="BASE") @…

orm jpa eclipselink jpa-2.0 jpql
Selecting multiple objects by id using JPA and ObjectDB?

I'm having trouble getting ObjectDB to select multiple values based on their ids. My query is super simple: Query query = …

java jpa jpa-2.0 jpql objectdb
JPA's Map<KEY, VALUE> query by JPQL failed

I am storing a Map in JPA , which stores a keyword translation in each language . such as one object stores …

mysql hibernate jpa jpql
Dynamic query using JpaRepository

I'm trying to get a result of a query using JpaRepository, but it doesn't work for me : public interface PeticionRepository …

java spring spring-data-jpa jpql spring-repositories
Spring JPA Projection findAll

Is it possible to use "findAll" for a JPARepository returning a Collection/List of Projections? Example: @Entity public class Login { @…

java spring spring-data-jpa jpql
Multi-Column Search with Spring JPA Specifications

I want to create a multi field search in a Spring-Boot back-end. How to do this with a Specification<…

spring spring-boot spring-data-jpa jpql jpa-criteria
Oracle CLOB and JPA/Hibernate ORDER BY?

I have a JPQL query that works fine with MySQL and SQL Server. But with Oracle it fails with ORA-00932: …

oracle hibernate jpa jpql ora-00932