Top "Jpql" questions

The Java Persistence Query Language (JPQL) is a platform-independent object-oriented query language defined as part of the Java Persistence API specification.

JPA: DELETE WHERE does not delete children and throws an exception

I am trying to delete a large number of rows from MOTHER thanks to a JPQL query. The Mother class …

java hibernate jpa jpql
JPA Query MONTH/YEAR functions

How can I write a JPA query using MONTH function just like sql query? @NamedQuery(name="querybymonth", query="select t …

java orm jpa jpql
JPQL query --- how to use 'is null'

i use the following query in JPQL to query the people whose address column is empty. List rl = em.createQuery( "…

Unable to have correct value with SELECT query using MAX() in JPA

I am new in JPA and I have a problem when I try to query to the database using MAX() …

java jpa derby jpql toplink
Compare date only (without time) in JPA2 (JPQL)

Im trying to compare Calendars with JPA2. The query looks somewhat like that: TypedQuery<X> q = em.createQuery("…

datetime jpa date jpa-2.0 jpql
Criteria JPA 2 with 3 tables

I'm trying to create a criteria to retrieve some objects from 3 tables (Associate, Update and Detail). A Detail has reference …

java jpa-2.0 jpql criteria-api
How to query a property of type List<String>in JPA

Lets say we have this JPA-annotated class, with a property of type List. This code is currently working fine. @Entity …

java hibernate jpa jpql
How can I avoid the Warning "firstResult/maxResults specified with collection fetch; applying in memory!" when using Hibernate?

I'm getting a warning in the Server log "firstResult/maxResults specified with collection fetch; applying in memory!". However everything working …

java hibernate jpa jpql ejb-3.0
Is there a way to get the count size for a JPA Named Query with a result set?

I like the idea of Named Queries in JPA for static queries I'm going to do, but I often want …

java jpa jpql