Im trying to compare Calendar
s with JPA2. The query looks somewhat like that:
TypedQuery<X> q = em.createQuery("select r from Record r where r.calendar= :calendar", X.class);
Calendar c = foo(); // setting fields and stuff
q.setParameter("calendar", c);
This, however, compares the date + time. I want to know if MM:DD:YYYY is equal and do not care about the time. Is there a nice way to do that in JPA2 or do I have to create a native query?
I tried setting HH:MM:SS:... to zero before saving it in the db but I don't know if this is very wise, regarding time zones and daylight saving and stuff.
q.setParameter("calendar", c, TemporalType.DATE)
You can pass the TemporalType.DATE to setParameter method to truncate the date+time.