Top "Jpql" questions

The Java Persistence Query Language (JPQL) is a platform-independent object-oriented query language defined as part of the Java Persistence API specification.

JPQL: Inner Join without duplicate records

Below is a question which supposedly was part of the official exam from Sun: A Reader entity has a one-to-many, …

jpa duplicates inner-join jpql
Java 8 Spring Data JPA Parameter binding

In my @Repository interface I created custom find method with JPQL @Query that contains parameter (addressType). from Address a where …

jpa java-8 jpql spring-data-jpa
Criteria Builder Create new Object In Select Statement

I was wondering if it's possible to create such query like : em.createQuery( "SELECT NEW EmpMenu(, p.department.…

java hibernate jpa-2.0 jpql criteria-api
difference between 'detach' and 'remove' entityManager's methods

I would like to know what's the real difference between em.detach(entity), em.remove(entity) and using a JPQL …

jpa jpql entitymanager
Ignore a FetchType.EAGER in a relationship

I have a problem with EAGERs relationships in a big application. Some entities in this application have EAGER associations with …

java hibernate jpa hql jpql
Escaping the colon character ':' in JPA queries

I'm trying to run a native query through JPA that uses a ':' character. The particular instance is using …

mysql jpa jpql
MultipleBagFetchException thrown by Hibernate

I want to have an option in my repository layer to eager load entites, so I tried adding a method …

java hibernate jpa jakarta-ee jpql
Update value with join

using Hibernate, I'd like to update a data in the database based on conditions, but I got the following error : "…

java hibernate jpa jpql
jpql IN query with enum value

I am using JPQL query to check whether the list contains the specified enum values. If the enum value is …

java enums jpql
Selecting where an entity contains a list thats a subset of another list

I am writing a JPQL query and i have the following scenario. I have a Question entity which contains a …

jpa jpql