The Java Persistence Query Language (JPQL) is a platform-independent object-oriented query language defined as part of the Java Persistence API specification.
I have a java entity class UserBean with a list of events: @OneToMany private List<EventBean> events; EventBean …
jpa eclipselink jpql named-queryI have the following entity with enum collection. I would like to search the user with an enum parameter. The …
java jpa jpqlThis is my JPA ENTITY @Entity @NamedQueries({ @NamedQuery(name = "Question.randQuestion", query = "SELECT q FROM Question AS q ORDER BY …
java jpa jpql named-queryI have an entity class that has a lazy field like this: @Entity public Movie implements Serializable { ... @Basic(fetch = FetchType.…
java hibernate jakarta-ee jpa jpqlThe following JPQL: UPDATE SignIn signIn SET signIn.cookieUUID = null WHERE = :userID Gives me the following error …
java jpa jpql datanucleusI am trying to "extract" Embeddable classes based on some criterias from a list in an Entity. Either with the …
java jpa jpql criteria-api embeddable