I am storing a Map in JPA , which stores a keyword translation in each language . such as one object stores Locale.ENGLISH -> "Father" , Locale.CHINESE -> "PaPa"
. And another object stores Locale.ENGLISH -> "Mother" , Locale.CHINESE -> "MaMa"
Here is my working design :
public class Relation {
@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
private long id;
@CollectionTable(name = "RelationName", joinColumns = @JoinColumn(name = "relation_id"))
private Map<Locale, String> langMap = new HashMap<>();
// other fields skipped
It works well , I can store many keyword translations to DB. But when query with JPQL , it has some problems :
For example , I want to find which Relation has English key with value "Father" :
This is my code :
Relation r = em.createQuery("select r from Relation r join r.langMap m where ( KEY(m) = :locale and VALUE(m) = :value ) " , Relation.class)
.setParameter("locale" , locale)
.setParameter("value" , value)
It generates this strange / not-working SQL :
relation0_.id as id1_18_
Relation relation0_
inner join
RelationName langmap1_
on relation0_.id=langmap1_.relation_id
and (
RelationName langmap1_
00:16:12.038 WARN o.h.e.jdbc.spi.SqlExceptionHelper - SQL Error: 1242, SQLState: 21000
00:16:12.038 ERROR o.h.e.jdbc.spi.SqlExceptionHelper - Subquery returns more than 1 row
I don't know why it generates that strange subquery.
I can solve this problem by Criteria :
CriteriaBuilder builder = em.getCriteriaBuilder();
CriteriaQuery<Relation> criteria = builder.createQuery(Relation.class);
Root<Relation> root = criteria.from(Relation.class);
MapJoin<Relation , Locale , String> mapJoin = root.joinMap("langMap");
builder.equal(mapJoin.key(), locale) ,
builder.equal(mapJoin.value() , value))
return em.createQuery(criteria).getSingleResult();
It generates correct SQL ( where langmap1_.locale=? and langmap1_.value=?
) and works well.
But I feel Criteria is too complicated. And I wonder why the JPQL failed? How to correct the JPQL ?
Env :
JPA2 , Hibernate 4.2.3 , MySQL dialect
I had the same problem. It looks like accessing map by ref (without VALUE()) already gives you a map entry value, i.e. the next JPQL should be transformed to a valid SQL:
select r from Relation r join r.langMap m where ( KEY(m) = :locale and m = :value )