Top "Jndi" questions

The Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) is a Java API for a directory service that allows Java software clients to discover and look up data and objects via a name.

Should I close JNDI-obtained data source?

Update: Apparently Tomcat, starting with 7.0.11, closes the DataSource for you, so it's not available in the webapp's contextDestroyed. See: https://…

spring tomcat7 datasource jndi spring-jdbc
CATALINA_BASE/conf/Catalina/localhost/<APPNAME>.xml is different from application's context.xml

I've been running a web application on Tomcat, when I make some changes in the application, including context.xml, and …

java tomcat web-applications jndi context.xml
Configure hibernate's dialect using JNDI (with Spring)

I'm trying to configure a Spring+Hibernate web application using JNDI instead of a properties files. Everything works fine por …

java spring hibernate jndi dialect
Maven Jetty run JNDI configuration

My project structure looks like this: parent POM |-- app-core |-- app-model |-- app-services `-- app-web In my pom.xml …

spring maven jndi maven-jetty-plugin