The Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) is a Java API for a directory service that allows Java software clients to discover and look up data and objects via a name.
questing is about javaee6 with embedded glassfish and embedded derby jndi lookup for data source at the time of deployment …
jndi java-ee-6 glassfish-3 derby glassfish-embeddedI'm using the reverse engineering capabilities built into the eclipse hibernate plugin to generate dao's and hbm.xml files for …
hibernate eclipse-plugin jndi sessionfactoryI am trying to authenticate the user but it throws Exception.May be there is problem in configuration. public class …
java spring ldap jndi spring-ldapI am trying to retrieve data about groups on LDAP. As I need to paginate results, I need to run …
active-directory ldap jndi ldap-queryCould someone tell me where I can find infos on the default JNDI naming for EJB 3 ? Does Weblogic use portable …
ejb-3.0 jndi weblogic11gHi I created a JNDI resource on Tomcat 7 server and I'm trying to use it through persistence.xml, but I …
java tomcat jpa jndi persistence.xmlCurrently I am use following code to lookup EJB3 sateless session beans for normal POJO class. (We are in JEE5 …
java thread-safety jndiI am using tomcat connection pool, jpa, hibernate. The datasource i created in context.xml of tomcat works fine if …
tomcat jpa jndi persistence.xml