Top "Spring-ldap" questions

Spring LDAP is a Java library for simplifying LDAP operations, based on the pattern of Spring's JdbcTemplate.

Spring Security AD LDAP: error code 1 - 000004DC: LdapErr: DSID-0C0906E8

I am trying to connect Ldap from spring security, getting connection errors. Could some one suggest what is wrong with …

spring-security spring-ldap
How to use Spring Ldap Authentication

In my current project, I have to implement LDAP authentication. I am using JSF 2.2, primefaces and Spring 4.0 and spring-ldap-core 1.3.2 and …

spring ldap spring-ldap
Best practice for configuring Spring LdapTemplate via annotations instead of XML?

For a Spring Boot application, I successfully configured a Spring LdapTemplate using annotations, including the LdapContextSource dependency with @Values from …

java spring-boot annotations spring-ldap
javax.naming.AuthenticationException: [LDAP: error code 49 - Invalid Credentials]

I'm new to ldap and I was trying what I thought was a trivial example to test the spring ldap …

java spring-ldap
Spring LDAP - bind for successful connection

I'm trying to authenticate and then query our corporate LDAP using Spring LDAP and Spring security. I managed to make …

spring-security ldap bind spring-ldap
LDAP: How to authenticate user with connection details

I am not able to authenticate a user using LDAP. I have got following details: URL=ldap:// LDAP BASE:DC=…

java spring ldap spring-ldap ldapconnection
Active Directory Authentication using Spring Security 3.2, Spring Ldap 2.0 and JavaConfig

I'm writing a web application that requires users to login. My company has an Active Directory server that I'd like …

java spring-security active-directory spring-ldap
Spring 3.1 LDAP Authentication Process: "Bad Credentials" msg When Credentials Are Good

Spring 3.1 Tomcat 6.* I'm working on making a Spring 3.1 webapp, authenticating with LDAP. I tested the LDAP credentials (username, password, ldap …

java spring-security spring-ldap
Spring Boot with Session/Redis Serialization Error with Bad Active Directory Ldap Credentials

Hi I am new to Spring and Java, I am trying to implement a Gateway authentication server as described in …

java active-directory redis ldap spring-ldap
Adding a user with a password in Active Directory LDAP

this is my first time on StackOverflow, I hope I will get some responses here. I am using Windows Active …

java active-directory ldap spring-ldap