Top "Spring-ldap" questions

Spring LDAP is a Java library for simplifying LDAP operations, based on the pattern of Spring's JdbcTemplate.

How to convert the SID to String and vice versa in Java?

I'm writing a program in Java, using Spring-LDAP. I need to implement a method, which should search a user by …

java string hex spring-ldap sid
Spring's LdapTemplate search: PartialResultException: Unprocessed Continuation Reference(s); remaining name '/'

I add users through LDAP for a certain application, made with spring. While this works for most of the cases, …

spring ldap spring-ldap ldap-query ldap-client
Spring Security LDAP authentication user must be a member of an AD group

I've configured the Spring Boot Security as per: I am able to login using …

java spring-security spring-boot ldap spring-ldap
LDAP: error code 49 - Simple Bind Failed: NT_STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE

I am trying to authenticate the user but it throws Exception.May be there is problem in configuration. public class …

java spring ldap jndi spring-ldap
Integration tests with spring-security and ldap

Spring embedded ldap server in unit tests is similar, however no answer was given that suites me. I can run …

spring-security integration-testing spring-ldap
Spring Security Active Directory LDAP Authentication without full name

Using Spring Security 3.2 I have configured ActiveDirectoryLdapAuthenticationProvider. I am able to authenticate using full name example [email protected] but …

java spring-security active-directory spring-ldap spring-security-ldap
Spring Security with LDAP and Database roles

In our new insurance project, I am trying to implement spring-security with Ldap active-directory. I want to just check username/…

spring spring-security spring-ldap
Spring LDAP - Creation of LdapTemplate in standalone java program - Using Spring LDAP as CDI Resource

I am trying to construct a LdapTemplate object of using spring data. public class LDAPTemplate { public static void main(String[] …

spring ldap spring-ldap