Top "Spring-ldap" questions

Spring LDAP is a Java library for simplifying LDAP operations, based on the pattern of Spring's JdbcTemplate.

Configure Spring security for Ldap connection

I have to configure Spring security to authenticate user through LDAP. This is the subtree where manager user is: ldaps://…

java spring spring-security spring-ldap adam
PartialResultException when authenticating with Spring Security and JavaConfig

I am currently creating a new web application using Spring Boot and began the process of integrating Spring Security for …

java spring-security spring-ldap
Spring 5 LDAP Authentication and JWT Token as response

Hello i have been trying to configure spring to have it return JWT token if user/pass is authenticated to …

java spring spring-security jwt spring-ldap
How to get additional user attributes from LDAP in Spring Security?

I'm currently trying to develop a Spring Boot application whose purpose it will be to manage user entries in our …

java spring-security spring-boot spring-ldap spring-security-ldap
Spring LDAP basic usage

I'm trying to figure out how Spring LDAP (not the Spring security thing) works by setting up the most basic …

java spring spring-ldap
Spring Boot Actuator - LDAP Health Endpoint Throwing NPE

In our Spring Boot app we have are using spring-security-ldap to authenticate users that can access our app. We don't …

spring spring-boot spring-ldap spring-boot-actuator
Spring LDAP Template Usage

Please take a look at the test class below. I am trying to do an LDAP search with Spring LDAP …

Get list of LDAP domain user names using Java

The ldap user names need to be displayed in the the input box as autocomplete feature. I am trying to …

java ldap spring-ldap adldap
Can I change myself Active Directory password from LDAP (without administrative account)

I don't (and will not) have administators account. I want to change myself (user) password in Active Directory from java. …

java active-directory ldap spring-ldap
Spring Security Active Directory Ignoring PartialResultException

I have the following configuration in my spring security xml file. When I try to authenticate I get the following …

java spring spring-mvc spring-security spring-ldap