Top "Jndi" questions

The Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) is a Java API for a directory service that allows Java software clients to discover and look up data and objects via a name.

Out of container JNDI data source

I would like to configure a DataSource using JNDI in a Java SE app. What is the best way to …

java datasource jndi
Java EE 6 - Embedded container EJB tests

This questiong is regarding Java EE 6, using glassfish v3 embedded-all. I have a unit test that uses EJBContainer to test …

jakarta-ee jndi java-ee-6 glassfish-3 glassfish-embedded
How to lookup remote JNDI

Is it possible to lookup remote JNDI in IBM MQ. My scenario is I have an MQ installation on machine …

java jms jndi ibm-mq mq
Hibernate SessionFactory: how to configure JNDI in Tomcat?

that's how the session factory should be gotten: protected SessionFactory getSessionFactory() { try { return (SessionFactory) new InitialContext() .lookup("SessionFactory"); } catch (Exception …

java hibernate tomcat jndi sessionfactory
Web-based LDAP Browser

Is anyone aware of an "web-based" application that allows developers to browse an LDAP server and view objectClasses and attributeClasses? …

active-directory ldap jndi adam sunone
Why does JNDI return a DataSource with a NULL uri instead of a lookup failure?

I looked for a similar question, but only found similar ones such as Godaddy JNDI Problem---Cannot create JDBC driver of …

java tomcat jdbc jndi apache-commons-dbcp
Spring testing framework - JNDI resource

I am toying a bit with Spring testing framework, but I have one problem. Normally when application is deployed on …

spring jndi spring-test
Eclipse: Overriding JNDI Resource in Tomcat

I'm working on a Java web application in Eclipse and deploying to an instance of Tomcat that is run by …

java eclipse tomcat jndi
add a Queue JNDI ref in ejb-jar.xml? sending JMS Msg in a EJB/MDB

I have an EAR application which contains an MDB and a WAR. In this EAR application I would send a …

deployment queue jms jndi geronimo
Configure JNDI for Tibco EMS in Tomcat

I have written some code for creating a topic connection from Tibco EMS TopicConnectionFactory factory = new TibjmsTopicConnectionFactory(serverUrl); TopicConnection connection = …

tomcat jndi tibco-ems