Top "Jndi" questions

The Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) is a Java API for a directory service that allows Java software clients to discover and look up data and objects via a name.

class cast exception in narrow a jndi reffrence in ejb

I am trying to write a simple stateless sesssion bean but I have problem with narrow reference I give in …

java eclipse ejb jndi narrowing
What's the default JNDI name of an EJB in Websphere Application Server 7 (WAS)?

In the Administration COnsole of WAS 7, on the Applications > Application Types > WebSphere enterprise applications > application > EJB …

jakarta-ee websphere jndi websphere-7
How can i config module and application name for JNDI Lookups

In EJB 3.1 JNDI Lookups can be made with different Lookup-Names: java:global[/<app-name>]/<module-name>/<bean-name&…

maven-2 jakarta-ee glassfish jndi java-ee-6
why use JndiObjectFactoryBean to config JNDI datasource did not work?

when I uss Java-base to config my JNDI. Spring 4.2.5. But If I use JndiObjectFactoryBean to config.when I want to …

java spring jndi
How does the EJB client locate the EJB server without url?

I am new to Java EE. At present I am going through The Java EE 6 Tutorial, Volume 1 (Basic Concepts Beta) …

java jakarta-ee ejb jndi
How does java LoginContext.login() work?

I have this code to create a configuration of a java client to connect to a JBoss application server: System.…

java authentication jndi jaas
What is the relationship between java:comp/env and java:global?

What is the relationship between java:comp/env and java:global (regarding 3.1 spec)? Seems like java:comp/env contains specific …

jakarta-ee ejb jndi conventions lookup
Tomcat6 ignores META-INF/context.xml

Tomcat6 keeps ignoring my META-INF/context.xml. I keep getting "Name tt is not bound in this Context" when I …

tomcat jndi context.xml
Cannot create resource instance in Tomcat7

I'm trying to configure connection pool in Tomcat 7. Here is code: part of server.xml: <GlobalNamingResources> <!-- …

mysql jndi connection-pooling tomcat7 server.xml
Declare a resource-ref in EJB

This is how they declare a resource-ref in ejb-jar.xml : <enterprise-beans> <session> <ejb-name>ResourceBean&…

ejb jndi websphere-6.1 ejb-jar.xml