Top "Server.xml" questions

Redirect HTTP to HTTPS:PORT in Tomcat

I have a running tomcat application that already have the following redirection rule from HTTP to HTTPs: <Connector executor="…

apache tomcat web-applications https server.xml
tomcat 7: automatically redirect https requests to port 8443

On tomcat7, our web application is running through https over port 8443 and works fine except that we are unable to …

tomcat ssl https tomcat7 server.xml
Encrypt tomcat keystore password

Is there an option to encrypt keystorePass value in tomcat server.xml? I don't want it to be a plain …

tomcat server.xml
Tomcat 7 GZIP compression not working

I have added the following lines in tomcat's conf/server.xml file to enable gzip compression but its not working. …

tomcat compression gzip server.xml
Error in Tomcat during Startup: DB name not found

While staring the Tomcat, I am getting the following error: SEVERE: Exception looking up UserDatabase under key UserDatabase javax.naming.…

java apache tomcat server.xml
how reload the servlet without restart the tomcat6 server

If I have multiple Host definition on my $TOMCAT_HOME/conf/server.xml How can I reload the servlet without …

tomcat servlets reload restart server.xml
tomcat 7 ignoring my context.xml

I hope this is something stupid. But I've been staring at it way too long. I am upgrading to Tomcat 7 (…

tomcat tomcat7 server.xml context.xml
Tomcat - How to specify properties that can be expanded in server.xml

Currently, I have in my server.xml: <Connector port="8080" protocol="HTTP/1.1" connectionTimeout="20000" redirectPort="8443" /> I want it to become: &…

tomcat configuration properties server.xml
Eclipse Luna - Getting error - 'Could not publish server configuration for Tomcat v7.0 Server at localhost. Multiple Contexts have a path of "/abc"

I am using Eclipse Luna and getting Could not publish server configuration for Tomcat v7.0 Server at localhost. Multiple Contexts …

eclipse tomcat server.xml
Why is my Tomcat 6 executor thread pool not being used by the connector?

My server.xml looks like the following: <!--The connectors can use a shared executor, you can define one or …

java tomcat tomcat6 server.xml