Jinja2 is a fast template engine for Python.
How do you add a conditional CSS class based on a Python if statement in the following example to show …
python jinja2 webapp2The pandas option max_colwidth controls how many characters will be included in the repr of a dataframe: import string, …
html pandas jinja2 jupyter-notebook nbconvertI have a macro that is used to build a local repository using debmirror. Here's the snippet of code: {%- …
python jinja2 salt-stackI have a model with an image stored as a binary blob. I want to display this image, along with …
python google-app-engine flask jinja2 flask-restfulI'm building a website using the Flask Framework and I now run into an error which I don't understand. For …
python flask jinja2 templating-engineI'm not able to do a very simple thing. In my task I'm trying to concat two default variables with …
ansible yaml jinja2 ansible-templateI merged two lists from an Ansible inventory: set_fact: fact1: "{{ groups['group1'] + groups[group2']|list }} The output …
ansible jinja2 ansible-templateI have a file on my local machine that I want to upload to a remote server, it contains confidential …
templates ansible jinja2 ansible-playbook ansible-vaultI tried to use omit with an expression like this: id: "{{ openstack_networks.id | default(omit) }}" But it seems that …
ansible jinja2 ansible-2.x