Top "Salt-stack" questions

The SaltStack platform, also known as Salt, is a Python-based open-source configuration management software and remote execution engine.

Calling one Bash script from another Script passing it arguments with quotes and spaces

I made two test bash scripts on Linux to make the problem clear. TestScript1 looks like: echo "TestScript1 Arguments:" echo "$1" …

bash shell double-quotes salt-stack
How to use logic operators in jinja template on salt-stack (AND, OR)

I am using a jinja template to generate a state file for salt. I added some conditionals and would like …

jinja2 salt-stack
How can I execute multiple commands using Salt Stack?

I tried to add: mypack: pkg: - installed - pkgs: - mercurial - git - name: 'mkdir -p /…

Is there a way to display only changes and errors

I have quite extensive salt config and I want to be able to see what has changed. If I just …

Solve with SaltStack: initctl: `Unable to connect to Upstart: Failed to connect to socket /com/ubuntu/upstart: Connection refused`

I got the following error when I attempted "vagrant up" on the standard ubuntu/vivid64 with virtualbox: initctl: Unable to …

ubuntu vagrant upstart salt-stack sysv
saltstack: creating directory only if does not exists

Currently I have the following rule for creating a directory /init/dir: file.recurse: - source: salt://init_dir/init …

linux salt-stack
Remove the empty lines left by Jinja2 variable definitions

When writing template files using Jinja2 for Saltstack, I often define some variables at the beginning of the file. For …

jinja2 salt-stack
Check file exists and create a symlink

I want to do something like that: if file A exists or there is no symlink B, I want to …

How to get IP address of hostname inside jinja template

Our saltstack is based on hostnames (webN., dbN., etc.). But for various things I need IPs of those servers. For …

python jinja2 salt-stack
Salt Stack: using execution modules in SLS

So far as I can see in the Salt documentation (e.g. here) there are two main types of modules …

python service salt-stack