Top "Salt-stack" questions

The SaltStack platform, also known as Salt, is a Python-based open-source configuration management software and remote execution engine.

how to reboot in the middle of a salt state?

(this is a copy of a question I asked on the salt-users group, FWIW) I need to write a state …

Saltstack for "configure make install"

I'm getting my feet wet with SaltStack. I've made my first state (a Vim installer with a static configuration) and …

How can I make multiple replacements on the same file using one saltstack state?

Here's my target file: Sonatype Nexus # ============== # This is the most basic configuration of Nexus. # Jetty section application-port=8081 application-host= nexus-webapp=${bundleBasedir}/…

replace nexus configuration-management salt-stack