Jinja2 is a fast template engine for Python.
Found some of these in jinja files: </extension> {%- else -%} <extension name="blabla"> And also {% …
jinja2Within an Ansible vars file, I want to convert a dict of dicts into a list of dicts that I …
dictionary ansible jinja2 ansible-2.xI am looking for the best accurate tool for PDF in Python that works like Jinja does for HTML. What …
python pdf-generation jinja2I am able to add a new entry to my database using WTForms and Flask and I can edit too, …
python flask jinja2 flask-wtforms flask-bootstrapI'm trying to populate nsswitch.conf with values that are determined from a list. The list is of string: openldap_…
ansible jinja2 ansible-templatebased on the following ansible playbook values .. target: "actual.domain.com" aliases: - "alias1.domain.com" - "alias2.domain.com" …
ansible jinja2 ansible-templateI have simple jinja2 template with registration/login links, I should hide them when user logged in, I also use …
python python-2.7 flask jinja2 flask-loginIs there a way to render Ansible template into the fact? I tried to find a solution but it looks …
ansible jinja2 ansible-template