Top "Delimiter" questions

A delimiter is a sequence of one or more characters used to specify the boundary between separate, independent regions in plain text or other data streams.

How do I escape a single quote in SQL Server?

I'm trying to insert some text data into a table in SQL Server 9. The text includes a single quote('). …

sql sql-server tsql delimiter single-quotes
Split string with multiple delimiters in Python

I found some answers online, but I have no experience with regular expressions, which I believe is what is needed …

python string split delimiter
C# List<string> to string with delimiter

Is there a function in C# to quickly convert some collection to string and separate values with delimiter? For example: …

c# string list delimiter
How do I use a delimiter with Scanner.useDelimiter in Java?

sc = new Scanner(new File(dataFile)); sc.useDelimiter(",|\r\n"); I don't understand how delimiter works, can someone explain this …

java java.util.scanner delimiter
Split a string into an array of strings based on a delimiter

I'm trying to find a Delphi function that will split an input string into an array of strings based on …

delphi string split delimiter
How to escape indicator characters (i.e. : or - ) in YAML

In a config file, I have a key to which I wish to assign a URL. The problem is that …

escaping yaml delimiter
Split String by delimiter position using oracle SQL

I have a string and I would like to split that string by delimiter at a certain position. For example, …

sql oracle split substring delimiter
String delimiter in string.split method

I have following data: 1||1||Abdul-Jabbar||Karim||1996||1974 I want to delimit the tokens. Here the delimiter is "||". My delimiter setter is: …

java string split delimiter
Split function in oracle to comma separated values with automatic sequence

Need Split function which will take two parameters, string to split and delimiter to split the string and return a …

oracle function plsql split delimiter
Delimiters in MySQL

I often see people are using Delimiters. I tried myself to find out what are delimiters and what is their …

mysql delimiter