Top "Delimiter" questions

A delimiter is a sequence of one or more characters used to specify the boundary between separate, independent regions in plain text or other data streams.

Splitting a string with multiple delimiters in Python

I'm using regular expressions to split a string using multiple delimiters. But if two of my delimiters occur next to …

python string split delimiter
changing the delimiter for cin (c++)

I've redirected "cin" to read from a file stream cin.rdbug(inF.rdbug()) When I use the extraction operator it …

c++ stream whitespace delimiter cin
Delimiter to use within a query string value

I need to accept a list of file names in a query string. ie: http://someSite/someApp/myUtil.ashx?files=…

string query-string delimiter
Escaping quotes and delimiters in CSV files with Excel

I try to import a CSV file in Excel, using ; as delimiters, but some columns contains ; and/or quotes. My …

excel csv delimiter double-quotes
str.format() raises KeyError

The following code raises a KeyError exception: addr_list_formatted = [] addr_list_idx = 0 for addr in addr_list: # addr_list …

python syntax string-formatting delimiter missing-data
Where IN a Comma delimited string

I would like to retrieve certain users from a full list of a temp table #temptable. The query looks like …

sql-server delimiter where-in
How do I extract lines between two line delimiters in Perl?

I have an ASCII log file with some content I would like to extract. I've never taken time to learn …

perl string extract delimiter
python pandas read_csv delimiter in column data

I'm having this type of CSV file: 12012;My Name is Mike. What is your's?;3;0 1522;In my opinion: It's cool; or …

python csv python-3.x pandas delimiter
Exporting CSV properly open Office (save numbers as TEXT)

I am using OPEN-OFFICE to work and save CSV. I am using the comma delimiter and ' " ' also. However, …

csv numbers delimiter openoffice-calc magmi
strtok() issue: If tokens are delimited by delimiters,why is last token between a delimiter and the null '\0'?

In the following program, strtok() works as expected in the major part but I just can't comprehend the reason behind …

c token delimiter strtok