str.format() raises KeyError

Dor picture Dor · May 3, 2010 · Viewed 37k times · Source

The following code raises a KeyError exception:

addr_list_formatted = []
addr_list_idx = 0

for addr in addr_list: # addr_list is a list
    addr_list_idx = addr_list_idx + 1
        "gamedir"  "str"
        "address"  "{1}"
    """.format(addr_list_idx, addr))


I am using Python 3.1.


Lasse V. Karlsen picture Lasse V. Karlsen · May 3, 2010

The problem is those { and } characters you have there that don't specify a key for formatting. You need to double them up, so change your code to:

    "gamedir"  "str"
    "address"  "{1}"
""".format(addr_list_idx, addr))