Top "Ansible-vault" questions

Use this tag for questions regarding the usage of Ansible Vault for protecting data for playbooks and roles.

Ansible: How to encrypt some variables in an inventory file in a separate vault file?

The settings Consider an Ansible inventory file similar to the following example: [san_diego] host1 host2 [san_francisco] host3 host4 […

encryption ansible ansible-playbook ansible-vault
How to decrypt string with ansible-vault 2.3.0

I have been waiting for ansible 2.3 as it was going to introduce encrypt_string feature. Unfortuately I'm not sure how …

ansible ansible-vault
how to use include_vars in ansible

I have created my own custom library, I added my custom library in the common folder of my repository. In …

include ansible ansible-playbook ansible-vault
How to store ansible_become_pass in a vault and how to use it?

I am a newbie to ansible and I am using a very simple playbook to issue sudo apt-get update and …

security ansible ansible-vault
How to automatically pass vault password when running Ansible playbook?

I have an Ansible playbook with vault, and I want to ask for vault password through the prompt box in …

ansible ansible-vault
How to view/decrypt Ansible vault credentials files from within a Python script?

I'm trying to figure out how to provide the following facilities to a Python script so that it can: Import …

python encryption ansible ansible-vault
ansible vault encrypt string

I'm trying to encrypt some password but would like to encrypt just part of the string instead of the whole …

ansible ansible-vault
Use multiple var files in ansible role

One of my roles has two different variable types. One is public (things like package versions and other benign information). …

ansible ansible-vault
How can I ignore failures to decrypt a vaulted file?

I have two roles, one of which has a group_vars file that is vaulted, and another that is not. …

ansible ansible-playbook ansible-vault
How to diff ansible vault changes?

I'd like to see the actual git commit changes in the ansible vault file. Is there an easy way how …

git diff ansible ansible-vault