How to decrypt string with ansible-vault 2.3.0

MMT picture MMT · Apr 18, 2017 · Viewed 71.2k times · Source

I have been waiting for ansible 2.3 as it was going to introduce encrypt_string feature.

Unfortuately I'm not sure how can I read the encrypted string.

I did try decrypt_string, decrypt (the file), view (the file) and nothing works.

cat test.yml 
test: !vault |

The error I'm geeting is ERROR! input is not vault encrypted data for test.yml

How can I decrypt the string so I know what it's value without the need to run the play?


famousgarkin picture famousgarkin · Jul 26, 2017

You can also do with plain ansible command for respective host/group/inventory combination, e.g.:

$ ansible my_server -m debug -a 'var=my_secret'
my_server | SUCCESS => {
    "my_secret": "373861663362363036363361663037373661353137303762"