I am a newbie to ansible and I am using a very simple playbook to issue sudo apt-get update
and sudo apt-get upgrade
on a couple of servers.
This is the playbook I am using:
- name: Update Servers
hosts: my-servers
become: yes
become_user: root
- name: update packages
apt: update_cache=yes
- name: upgrade packages
apt: upgrade=dist
and this is an extract from my ~/.ansible/inventory/hosts
san-francisco ansible_host=san-francisco ansible_ssh_user=user ansible_become_pass=<my_sudo_password_for_user_on_san-francisco>
san-diego ansible_host=san-diego ansible_ssh_user=user ansible_become_pass=<my_sudo_password_for_user_on_san-diego>
This is what I get if I launch the playbook:
$ ansible-playbook update-servers-playbook.yml
PLAY [Update Servers] **********************************************************
TASK [setup] *******************************************************************
ok: [san-francisco]
ok: [san-diego]
TASK [update packages] *********************************************************
ok: [san-francisco]
ok: [san-diego]
TASK [upgrade packages] ********************************************************
ok: [san-francisco]
ok: [san-diego]
PLAY RECAP *********************************************************************
san-francisco : ok=3 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=0
san-diego : ok=3 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=0
What is bothering me is the fact that I have the password for my user user
stored in plaintext in my ~/.ansible/inventory/hosts
I have read about vaults, I have also read about the best practices for variables and vaults but I do not understand how to apply this to my very minimal use case.
I also tried to use lookups. While in general they also work in the inventory file, and I am able to do something like this:
san-francisco ansible_host=san-francisco ansible_ssh_user=user ansible_become_pass="{{ lookup('env', 'ANSIBLE_BECOME_PASSWORD_SAN_FRANCISCO') }}"
where this case the password would be stored in an environment variable called ANSIBLE_BECOME_PASSWORD_SAN_FRANCISCO
; there is no way to look up variables in vaults as far as I know.
So, how could I organize my file such that I would be able to lookup up my passwords from somewhere and have them safely stored?
You need to create some vaulted variable files and then either include them in your playbooks or on the command line.
If you change your inventory file to use a variable for the become pass this variable can be vaulted:
san-francisco ansible_host=san-francisco ansible_ssh_user=user ansible_become_pass='{{ sanfrancisco_become_pass }}'
san-diego ansible_host=san-diego ansible_ssh_user=user ansible_become_pass='{{ sandiego_become_pass }}'
Then use ansible-vault create vaulted_vars.yml
to create a vaulted file with the following contents:
sanfrancisco_become_pass: <my_sudo_password_for_user_on_san-francisco>
sandiego_become_pass : <my_sudo_password_for_user_on_san-diego>
Then either include the vaulted file as extra vars like this:
ansible-playbook -i ~/.ansible/inventory/hosts playbook.yml --ask-vault-pass -e@~/.ansible/inventory/vault_vars
Or include the vars file in your playbook with an include_vars task:
- name : include vaulted variables
include_vars: ~/.ansible/inventory/vault_vars